Postal Assistant
Solved Previous
Question Paper Part
1) Name of the First
Postage Stamp is
A – Penny Black
B – Two Penny Blue
C – Halfpenny Rose Red
D – Penny Red
2) The headquarters of
Universal Postal Union
(UPU) is in
A – New York
B – London
C – Rome
D – Bern
3) El Nino is
A – A name of
B – A Sea Storm
C – A Warm ocean
D – Name of Hurricane
4) Which country
received Global audience
for the rescue
operation of 33 trapped
A – Chile
B – Vietnam
C – China
D – Japan
5) Shora is the
parliament of ?
A – Argentina
B – Australia
C – Afghanisthan
D – Spain
6) What is GARNISHEE
A – An order issued by
the court prohibiting
withdrawal from the
account of a depositor
B – An executive order
prohibiting withdrawal
from the account of a
C – A Court order
issued prohibiting
transaction of a
particular land
D – None of these
7) Which Indian bank
introduced Credit Card
facility first?
A – State Bank of India
B – Central Bank of
C – Canara Bank
8) Date of issue of First
Postage Stamp is
A – 6th May 1840
B – 15th August 1940
C – 6th May 1944
D – 15th April 1840
9) Man Booker Prize
2010 is awarded to
A – Howard Jacobson
B – Barbara Kingsolver
C – Hilary Mantel
D – Anne Enright
10) The Human Skull is
made up of ___ bones
A – 36
B – 22
C – 25
D – 27
11) Who painted the
Last Supper ?
A – Michelangelo
B – Raphael
C – Leonardo Da Vinci
D – Picasso
12) Which country's
Parliament has the
largest membership ?
A – India
B – United States
C – China
D – Japan
13) The blank space
between stamps in a
sheet is known as
A – Traffic Light
B – Vignette
C – Margin
D – Gutter
14) Who was the author
of "Athihyamala" ?
A – Sanjayan
B – Kottarathil Sankunni
C – Poonthanam
D – None of these
15) In philately the term
" KILER" is meant
A – A stamp like picture
B – Revenue stamp
C – Heavy Obliteration
D – The design of a
16) Supreme Court
Judge is appointed by
the __ ?
A – Prime Minister
B – President
C – Parliament
D – Chief Justice
17) United Nations Day
is observed on
A – October 21
B – October 22
C – October 23
D – October 24
18) The official language
of Syria ?
A – Hebrew
B – Urdu
C – Syriac
D – Arabic
19) World Post Day is
observed on
A – November 9
B – November 14
C – October 9
D – October 24
20) "A thing of beauty is
a joy for ever" is a line
written by ?
A – John Keats
B – Percy Bysshe
C – Alexander Pope
D – Alfred Tennyson
21) Study of Fossils is
known as ?
A – Paleantology
B – Petrology
C – Seismology
D – No
Answers to Postal
Assistant Solved
Question Paper Part
2 - GK Model Test
1) A – Penny Black
2) D – Bern or Berne in
3) B – A Sea Storm
4) A – Chile (San Jose
5) C – Afghanisthan
6) A – An order issued
by the court prohibiting
withdrawal from the
account of a depositor
7) B – Central Bank of
8) A – 6th May 1840
9) A – Howard Jacobson
for his novel "The
Finkler Question"
10) B – 22
11) C – Leonardo Da
12) C – China
13) D – Gutter
14) B – Kottarathil
15) C – Heavy
16) B – President
17) D – October 24
18) D – Arabic
19) C – October 9
20) A – John Keats
21) A – Paleantology
22) B – Sputnik
23) C – Abul Fazal
(Akbar Nama was
written in Persian by
Akbar 's court historian
and biographer, Abul
24) C – RSV
25) A – Errors and
Omissions Expected
--ne of the above
22) The world's first
artificial satellite ?
A – Luna-3
B – Sputnik
C – Aryabhatta
D – None of the above
23) Akbarnama was
written by ?
A – Khusrau Mirza
B – Shaikh Faizi
C – Abul Fazal
D – Birbal
24) Which of the
following abbreviations
is meant "Pl Reply''?
12) What is meant by
A – Errors and
Omissions Expected
B – Errors and
Omissions Accepted
C – Errors and Over
Writing Expected
D – Errors and Over
Writing Accepted


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