Directions: Read the
passage given below
and answer the
questions that follow
(Q. No. 121 to 126) by
selecting the most
appropriate option.
1. This was one of the
Old Man's pet schemes;
and one about which he
would brook no
interference. Each child
would review the
events of his school
week in his own words,
in his
own way; he was free
to comment, to
criticize, to agree or
disagree, with any
person, subject or
method, as long as it
was in-some way
associated with the
school. No one and
nothing was sacred,
from the Headmaster
down, and the child,
moreover, was safe
from any form of
2. "Look at it this way,"
Mr. Florian had said. "It
is of advantage to both
pupil and teacher. If a
child wants to write
about something which
matters to him, he will
take some pains to
set it down as carefully
and with as much detail
as possible; that must
in some way improve
his written English in
terms of spelling,
construction and style.
Week by week we
are able, through his
reviews, to follow and
observe his progress in
such things. As for the
teachers, we soon get
a pretty good idea what
the children think of us
and whether or not
we are getting close to
them. It may
sometimes be rather
deflating to discover
that a well-prepared
lesson did not really
excite Johnny Smith's
interest, but, after all,
the lesson was
intended to benefit
Johnny Smith, not his
121. The scheme,
according to the Old
Man, was useful
(1) it was excellent
feedback for the
teacher, principal and
(2) he was slightly
(3) it was meant to
humiliate the teacher
(4) it was meant to give
power to the teacher
Ans: (1)
122. 'Pet schemes' in
line 1 refers to
(1) a student he is fond
(2) a formula he had
(3) a pet animal
(4) a method he has
Ans: (4)
123. The 'Old Man'
refers to
(1) a parent of the
(2) a student of the
(3) a teacher of the
(4) the headmaster
called Mr. Florian
Ans: (4)
124. The advantages
of the scheme were
many. Pick out the
disadvantage from the
list given below.
(1) Sometimes deflating
to the teacher's ego
(2) Diagnostic and
remedial for the
student and the
(3) Effective feedback
(4) Enhanced writing
Ans: (1)
125. 'Sacred' in the
context of the
Headmaster means
(1) that even 'he' was
not above the 'scheme'
he advocated for
(2) he believed in the
sacred nature of all life
(3) that he was a holy
(4) that he was the
powerful head of the
Ans: (1)
126. 'Brook' as a verb
means 'to tolerate' in
para l. As a noun, it
(1) Tolerance
(2) Allow
(3) Suffer
(4) Stream
Ans: (4)
Directions: Read the
passage given below
and answer the
questions that follow
(Q. No. 127 to 135) by
selecting the most
appropriate option.
1. Karuna Verma is
bewildered. "I don't
know how she did it,"
she says about her
mother, Renu Chopra.
Karuna's childhood
memories are of her
father leaving late for
office so
that, by then, her
mother would be-back
from work. Of her
parents working in sync
to make sure the kids
were well taken care
of .Of her mother
handling kitchen and
classroom with
2. When her own
daughter was born,
Karuna too wanted to
do the balancing act.
But it did not turn out
to be as easy as it
seemed. For starters,
her parents' era was
different from
hers. As she was living
with her husband in
Andheri, Mumbai, away
from their families,
resuming work would
have meant leaving her
daughter with a maid
while she was away. Her
daughter's formative
years would be spent
with an outsider, a
thought that did not
appeal to Karuna. She
quit her teaching job in
a school.
3. For a woman who
was encouraged to be
throughout her life, the
decision to quit and
stay at home was a
difficult one. Ironically it
was her mother who
urged her to
quit the job and
become a full-time
mother. For Karuna,
being a housewife is
one of the tougher jobs
she has had. "I have no
time for myself," says
Karuna. "I make sure all
personal work is done
when Avni is asleep.
Earlier I had a set
routine. My husband
and I used to wake up
at 6 a.m. I would re-heat
the food the maid had
cooked the day before
and pack it for lunch.
Then we used to head
off to work, and at
night, we would go out. I
had a lot of time to
myself and for my
husband then," says
4. The routine is quite
different now. Karuna
has taken to cooking.
She wakes up quite
early and makes sure
all her work is done
before the baby is up.
The rest of the day
flies by,
pandering to two-year-
old Avni's needs.
Source: The Week,
March 13, 2011
127. Karuna Verma is
bewildered at
(1) the responsibility of
bringing up a daughter
in a big city
(2) her mother's ability
to combine her career
with household work
(3) the amount of work
that she has to do
after becoming a
(4) the late hours of
work that her father
Ans: (2)
128. ' ... parents
working in sync' means
(1) father earning and
mother taking care of
(2) parents having
staggered office hours
and sharing household
(3) parents pooling their
resources together to
take care of expenses
(4) husband and wife
sinking their
differences to
preserve domestic
Ans: (2)
129. ' Karuna too
wanted to do the
balancing act.' In this
sentence, the term
'balancing act' implies
(1) managing the time
efficiently so that
parents can spend
quality time with their
(2) making adjustments
in order to balance
work and leisure
(3) sharing of
responsibilities by both
husband and wife
(4) a mother's ability to
look after her child
without quitting her job
Ans: (1)
130. 'As she was living
with her husband in
Andheri, Mumbai, away
from their
families ............ . In this
sentence 'their families'
refers to
(1) Families of friends in
Andheri, Mumbai
(2) Karuna's parents
and in-laws
(3) Karuna's mother and
father's families
(4) Karuna's husband's
Ans: (2)
131. Karuna's parents
and her husband's
parents probably lived
(1) in Mumbai but not in
(2) with Karuna and her
(3) in Andheri, Mumbai
(4) in some other city
Ans: (4)
132. Karuna decided to
quit her job because
(1) she wanted to have
more time, to herself
and for her husband
(2) she wanted to pay
more attention to her
(3) she Was not
interested in her
teaching job
(4) she did not want her
daughter to spend her
early years with a maid
Ans: (4)
133. It was ironical that
Karuna's mother should
advise her to quit her
job and stay at home
(1) Karuna's parents
had always advised her
that home was much
more important than
(2) Karuna's mother
herself had not quit her
job to take care of
children as she
independence of
(3) Karuna herself was
keen on quitting her job
(4) Karuna's parents
had insisted that
household chores
should be shared
between husband and
Ans: (2)
134. After Karuna quit
her job
(1) she sent her maid
away as she felt that
the maid was a bad
influence on Avni
(2) she had no time for
herself as Avni needed
all her attention and
(3) she had a lot of time
to herself and for her
(4) she occupied herself
with cooking to spend
her time usefully
Ans: (2)
135. "I have no time for
myself," says Karuna.
This sentence can be
written in reported
speech as
(1) Karuna said that she
had no time for herself
(2) Karuna says that
she had no time for
(3) Karuna says that
she have no time for
(4) Karuna said that she
had no time for myself
Ans: (1)
Directions: Answer the
following questions by
selecting the most
appropriate option.
136. Remedial teaching
as part of Formative
Assessment means
(1) diagnosing and
addressing gaps in
(2) teaching beyond the
(3) extra coaching by
(4) teaching for gifted
137. Which of the
following is a value
associated with an
inclusive classroom?
(1) Competition
(2) Envy
(3) Sympathy
(4) Collaboration
138. The aim of
mechanical drills is to
(1) strengthen the role
learning capacity of the
(2) encourage creative
use of language among
the learners
(3) improve the fluency
of the learners
(4) improve the
accuracy of the
139. Learners are
involved in individual
activities pair work,
group work and whole-
class work because
(1) provide the learners
opportunities to relax in
a classroom
(2) have the sole aim of
introducing variety in a
language classroom
(3) enable the already
over-worked teacher
to preserve her energy
thereby becoming
more effective
(4) afford the learners
opportunities to use
the language in a
focused manner for
real-life interaction
140. Which of the
following statements is
(1) All formative tasks
are meant for
(2) Formative
assessment, to be
effective, must be
conducted only after
teaching a lesson
(3) While all formative
tasks are meant for
improving teaching-
learning, some are used
for assessment too.
(4) Formative
assessment helps us
to grade students into
good, average and poor.
141. When young
learners seem to lose
interest in a lesson, the
teacher should
(1) tell a story or
conduct an interesting
(2) ask them to sit
quietly for some time
(3) allow them to go out
and play
(4) ask them to sleep
for a while
142. The Right of
Children to Free and
Compulsory Education
Act, 2009 has included
'all round development
of the child' as one of
the aims of education
(1) it - nurtures the
physical, mental and
emotional aspects of
the child
(2) it ensures that
every child is a part of
a workforce
(3) every child grows
rapidly between six to
fourteen years
(4) proper health care is
143. Teachers do not
give the meaning of
new words to learners
directly because
(1) learners do not like
to be given the meaning
of words
(2) it prevents learners
from discovering the
meaning through
puzzling out using clues
(3) learners already
know the meaning of
the words
(4) vocabulary will not
be enriched
144. Which of the
following is an instance
of non-formal learning?
(1) Children learning to
cook from their
(2) Children learning a
new game from friends
(3) Children learning
lessons through
(4) Children learning to
draw from their art
145. Group project
work helps in developing
(1) a high level of
ambition to achieve
(2) collaboration, critical
thinking and problem
(3) competition among
learners to excel in
(4) good memory in the
young learners
146. What type of
questions promote
thinking skills in
(1) Factual questions
(2) Questions based
purely on the reading
(3) Personal response
(4) Closed-ended
147. 'Students need to
brainstorm ideas,
organise them, draft,
edit and revise their
work,' is a 'process'
which reflects
(1) Listening skills
(2) Speaking skills
(3) Reading skills
(4) Writing skills
148. Teachers help
learners 'construct'
their knowledge in
English by
(1) giving the learners a
lot of assignments and
projects that will lead
to much practice
(2) correcting every
mistake a learner
makes and giving the
relevant rule of
grammar as immediate
(3) giving extensive
language drills in which
learners practice
language items
(4) enabling them to see
the relationship
between their prior
knowledge and the new
149. Reading for
comprehension can be
best achieved through
(1) Teaching learners to
run a finger or pencil
under the line being
(2) Asking the children
to read the text aloud
(3) Helping learners
speak words softly
while reading
(4) Learners reading
silently and asking
150. A textbook
describes a domestic
scene which shows the
father cooking in the
kitchen, the mother
coming home from
work and their son
sewing. What is the
concept conveyed?
(1) Division of labour
amoung sexes
(2) Work is worship
(3) Removing gender
(4) Dignity of labour


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