Q1. After Hindi, which is the
second most spoken
language in India ?
(A) Tamil
(B) Marathi
(C) Telugu
(D) Bengali
Q2. In terms of area, which
is the largest country ?
(A) Russia
(B) Canada
(C) China
(D) United States of
Q3. Who was the first
woman to receive the
Bharat Ratna, India's
highest civilian award ?
(A) Indira Gandhi
(B) Mother Teresa
(C) Aruna Asaf Ali
(D) M.S.Subbulakshmi
Q4. Which is the only
element whose atoms
have no neutron ?
(A) Helium
(B) Oxygen
(C) Nitogen
(D) Hydrogen
Q5. Challenger Deep, a part
of Mariana Trench and
the deepest point in the
oceans, named after
British ship Challenger II
which first surveyed it
in 1951, is located in
which ocean ?
(A) Indian Ocean
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Antarctic Ocean
Q6. In 1922, Chittarajnan
Das and Motilal Nehru
founded which political
party ?
(A) Forward Block
(B) Swaraj Party
(C) Swatantra Party
(D) Ghadar Party
Q7. According to Hindu
mythology, which
warrior was the
possessor of
'Chanrdrahas' sword ?
(A) Arjun
(B) Kansa
(C) Ravana
(D) Parshuram
Q8. In which state is the
Dachigam National Park,
famous for Hangul (Red
Deer), located ?
(A) Assam
(B) Jammu & Kashmir
(C) West Bengal
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Q9. Which early 11th
century traveller to
India authored the
books 'Tahqiq-i-Hind' and
'Kitab-ul-Hind' ?
(A) Fi-Hien
(B) Marco Polo
(C) Al Beruni
(D) Ibn Batuta
Q10. Who was the first
President of Pakistan ?
(A) Ayub Khan
(B) Liaquat Ali Khan
(C) Iskandar Mirza
(D) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Answers :
Q1. (D) Bengali
Q2. (A) Russia
Q3. (A) Indira Gandhi
Q4. (D) Hydrogen
Q5. (B) Pacific Ocean
Q6. (B) Swaraj Party
Q7. (C) Ravana
Q8. (B) Jammu &
Q9. (C) Al Beruni
Q10. (C) Iskandar Mirza


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