Complete List of Booker Awadese

2011 - The Sense of
an Ending (Barnes)
2010 - The Finkler
Question (Jacobson)
2009 - Wolf Hall
2008 - The White
Tiger (Adiga)
2007 - The
Gathering (Enright)
2006 - The
Inheritance of Loss
2005 - The Sea
2004 - The Line of
Beauty (Hollinghurst)
2003 - Vernon God
Little (Pierre)
2002 - Life of Pi
2001 - True History
of the Kelly Gang
2000 - The Blind
Assassin (Atwood)
1999 - Disgrace
1998 - Amsterdam:
A Novel (McEwan)
1997 - The God of
Small Things (Roy)
1996 - Last Orders
1995 - The Ghost
Road (Barker)
1994 - How Late It
Was, How Late
1993 - Paddy Clarke
Ha Ha Ha (Doyle)
1992 - The English
Patient (Ondaatje)
1992 - Sacred
Hunger (Unsworth)
1991 - The
Famished Road
1990 - Possession:
A Romance (Byatt)
1989 - The Remains
of the Day (Ishiguro)
1988 - Oscar and
Lucinda (Carey)
1987 - Moon Tiger
1986 - The Old
Devils (Amis)
1985 - The Bone
People (Hulme)
1984 - Hotel Du Lac
1983 - Life & Times
of Michael K
1982 - Schindler's
Ark (Keneally)
1981 - Midnight's
Children (Rushdie)
1980 - Rites of
Passage (Golding)
1979 - Offshore
1978 - The Sea, the
Sea (Murdoch)
1977 - Staying on
1976 - Saville
1975 - Heat and
Dust (Jhabvala)
1974 - The
1974 - Holiday
1973 - The Siege of
Krishnapur (Farrell)
1972 - G. (Berger)
1971 - In a Free
State (Naipaul)
1970 - The Elected
Member (Rubens)
1969 - Something
to Answer For


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