Mukesh Ambani launches Sam Pitroda’s autobiography- "Dreaming Big" : My Journey to Connect India*

utobiography of Sam Pitroda named Dreaming Big: My Journey to Connect India has been launched by Mukesh Ambani. It is written with the help of an American author David Chanoff. The autobiography describes the journey of Satanarayan Gangaram Pitroda (famously known as Sam Pitroda), known as father of Indian telecommunication revolution. Former prime minister Manmohan Singh and Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi were present during the launch of the book.

The book embarks a life long journey of Sam Pitroda starting from his birth in 1964 in Titilagarh in Odisha to his revolutionary career in United States and India. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Pitroda expressed his gratitude to Rajiv Gandhi for all his success.

Did You Know?

Mr Pitroda served as the chairman of the National Knowledge Commission under Singh from 2005 to 2009.Pitroda also founded the National Innovation Council (2010), and served as the Advisor to the Prime Minister with rank of a cabinet minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovation.He has also served as an advisor to the United Nations and in 1992, his biography Sam Pitroda: A Biography was published and became a bestseller on The Economic Times list for five weeks.Pitroda has also started several businesses as a serial entrepreneur (Wescom Switching, Ionics, MTI, Martek, WorldTel, C-SAM, etc.) in the US and Europe.


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