
"Here is a wishing that d coming year is a glorious one that rewards all ur future endeavors with success" HpyNewYr -
India1st participated at d Olympic Games in1900, w/ alone athlete(Norman Pritchard) winning 2 mdls in athletics.
D Central Railway is perhaps d oldest railway zone of Indian Railways. This is one amongst d largest of d 16 zones bifurcated by Indian Rlys.


word is derived frm mixed Latin &Greek roots, meaning"far sight"Greek-tele=far & Latin-visio=sight. J L Baird invntd in1925
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation,ONGC,was set up in1956. ONGC discovered a new natural gas field in Tripur
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Member of Parliament Local Area Devlopment Scheme-introduced by Narasimha Rao Government-2 Crores a Year. MLA LADS-1.5 Crores.