Here is a timeline of the
five decades of India's
space programme:
1962 - Indian National
Committee for Space
Research set up by the
Department of Atomic
Energy. Work starts on
Thumba Equatorial
Rocket Launching
Station (TERLS) in
1963 - First sounding
rocket launched from
TERLS Nov 21.
1965 - Space Science
and Technology Centre
set up in Thumba.
1968 - Experimental
Satellite Communication
Earth Station set up in
Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
1969 - Indian Space
Research Organisation
(ISRO) formed Aug 15
under the Department
of Atomic Energy.
1971 - Satish Dhawan
Space Centre (formerly
SHAR Centre) formed in
Sriharikota, Andhra
1972 - Department of
Space (DoS) established
and ISRO brought under
it. ISRO Satellite Centre
set up in Bangalore and
Space Applications
Centre in Ahmedabad.
1975 - Satellite
Instructional Television
Experiment using an US
satellite. First Indian
satellite, Aryabhata,
launched into space
April 19.
1977 - S...