Here is a timeline of the
five decades of India's
space programme:
1962 - Indian National
Committee for Space
Research set up by the
Department of Atomic
Energy. Work starts on
Thumba Equatorial
Rocket Launching
Station (TERLS) in
1963 - First sounding
rocket launched from
TERLS Nov 21.
1965 - Space Science
and Technology Centre
set up in Thumba.
1968 - Experimental
Satellite Communication
Earth Station set up in
Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
1969 - Indian Space
Research Organisation
(ISRO) formed Aug 15
under the Department
of Atomic Energy.
1971 - Satish Dhawan
Space Centre (formerly
SHAR Centre) formed in
Sriharikota, Andhra
1972 - Department of
Space (DoS) established
and ISRO brought under
it. ISRO Satellite Centre
set up in Bangalore and
Space Applications
Centre in Ahmedabad.
1975 - Satellite
Instructional Television
Experiment using an US
satellite. First Indian
satellite, Aryabhata,
launched into space
April 19.
1977 - Satellite
Experiments Project
(1977-79) using Franco-
German Symphonie
1979 - Bhaskara-1, an
earth observation
experimental satellite,
launched. First
experimental launch of
Satellite Launch Vehicle
(SLV-3) carrying the
Rohini satellite. The
satellite not placed in
the orbit.
1980 - Second
experimental launch of
SLV-3 with Rohini.
Mission successful.
1981 - First
developmental launch
of SLV-3. Rohini placed
into orbit. Launch of
APPLE, an experimental
satellite. Launch of
Bhaskara-2 by an USSR
1982 - Launch of
communication satellite
by an US rocket.
1983 - Second
developmental flight of
SLV-3 placed Rohini into
orbit. Insat system
commissioned with
launch to Insat-1B
1984 - First Indian
cosmonaut, Rakesh
Sharma, spends eight
days in Russian space
station Salyut 7. He flew
in Russian rocket Soyuz
1987 - First
development launch of
Augmented SLV (ASLV)
with satellite SROSS-1.
Mission failed.
1988 - Launch of Indian
Remote Sensing (IRS)
satellite - IRA-1A
through a Russian
rocket. Second
developmental flight of
satellite. Mission failed.
1991 - Launch of
second operational
remote sensing
satellite IRS-1B.
1992 - First successful
launch of ASLV placing
SROSS-C satellite.
Launch of Insat-2A, the
first satellite of the
second generation
Insat series, followed
by the 3 and 4 series.
1993 - First
development flight of
Polar Satellite Launch
Vehicle (PSLV) with
IRS-1E. Mission failed.
1994 - Fourth
developmental flight of
Mission successful.
Successful launch of
PSLV placing IRS-P2 in
1996 - Third
developmental flight of
PSLV with IRS-P3.
1997 - First operational
launch of PSLV carrying
1999 - PSLV started
carrying foreign
payloads (Korean and
German satellites) along
with ISRO's satellite
2001 - Successful
launch of heavy rocket
Satellite Launch Vehicle
(GSLV) with GSAT-1
satellite. Launch of
PSLV with India's
Experimental Satellite
and satellites from
Belgium and Germany.
2002 - Launch of
Kalpana-1 satellite on-
board a PSLV rocket.
2003 - Launch of GSat-2
on board GSLV and
Resourcesat-1 by PSLV.
2004 - Launch of
Edusat by GSLV's first
operational flight.
2005 - Commissioning
of second launch pad at
Sriharikota. Launch of
Cartosat-1 and Hamsat
by PSLV.
2006 - Second
operational flight of
GSLV with Insat-4C. For
the first time, an Indian
rocket carried a
satellite. The mission
2007 - Launch of
Cartosat-2 with Space
Capsule Recovery
Experiment and two
foreign satellites and
successful recovery of
the space capsule.
Launch of Italian
satellite AGILE by PSLV
and Insat-4CR by GSLV.
2008 - Launch of Israeli
satellite Tecsar by
PSLV. Launch of two
Indian and eight foreign
satellites by a single
PSLV. India's first moon
mission Chandrayaan-1
by PSLV.
2009 - Launch of Radar
Imaging Satellite
(Risat-2) and Anusat
from Anna University
(first satellite from an
Indian university) by
PSLV. Launch of seven
satellites by PSLV,
including India's
2010 - Failure of two
GSLV missions. Launch
of Cartosat-2B,
STUDSAT and three
small foreign satellites
by PSLV.
2011 - Launch of
Resourcest-2 and two
small satellites by PSLV.
Launch of GSAT-12 by
PSLV. Launch of Megha
Tropiques and three
small satellites by PSLV.
2012 - Launch of
Risat-1 by PSLV. Launch
of French satellite SPOT
6 and Japanese
satellite Proiteres.


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