50 MCQs on Petrol and kerosene

1. Which of the following is natural resources? a. Tea b. Cooked Food c. Air d. Toffee Ans . 1. (c)2. Inexhaustible natural resources in nature are a. limited b. Unlimited c. Scarce d. Not present Ans . 2. (b)3. Resources which are limited in nature are Known as a. Exhaustible b. Inexhaustible c. unnatural d. None of these Ans . 3. (a)4. Which of the following is an exhaustible natural resource? a. Air b. Water c. Soil d. forest Ans . 4. (d)5. Sunlight is _________natural resource a. Inexhaustible b. Exhaustible c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these Ans . 5. (a)6. Petroleum is ________natural resource a. Inexhaustible b. Exhaustible c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these Ans . 6. (b)7. Fossils are the a. Dead remains of living organism b. Coal mines c. Kind of natural resource d. Living beings Ans . 7. (a)8. Coal can be formed from a. Sunlight b. Steam c. Fossils d. Plants Ans . 8. (c)9. Coal is ________in colour a. Black b. Blue c. Orange d. Red Ans . 9. (a)10. Coal is ________in nature a. Soft b. Hard c. Thin d. Hot Ans . 10. (b)11. Coal can be used as a a. Fertilizer b. Purifier c. Fuel d. Insecticide Ans . 11. (c)12. Other uses of fuel includes a.Produce steam to run engine b.Produce electricity in thermal power plants c.Fuel in various industries d.All of these Ans . 12. (d)13. Coal mainly contains a. Hydrogen b. Oxygen c. Carbon d. Sodium Ans . 13. (c)14. Carbonisation is a. Slow conversion of dead vegetation Into coal b. Deposition of soil c. falling of trees d. None of these Ans . 14. (a)15. When heated in air produces a. Carbon monoxide b. Carbon dioxide c. Nitrogen dioxide d. Oxygen Ans . 15. (b)16. Coal is produced in industry to get a. Coke b. Coal tar c. Coal gas d. All of these Ans . 16. (d)17. Coke is used in the manufacturing of a. Lead b. Iron c. steel d. Copper Ans . 17. (c)18. Which is an almost pure form of carbon? a. Coke b. Coal tar c. Coal gas d. None of these Ans . 18. (c)19. The characteristic of coal is a. tough b. Black in colour c. Porous d. All of these Ans . 19. (d)20. Coal tar has an _________ smell. a.. Unpleasant b. Pleasant c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these Ans . 20 (a)21. Coal tar is used in manufacture of a. Synthetic dyes b. Drugs c. Explosives d. All of these Ans . 21. (d)22. Naphthalene balls are obtained from a. Carbon b. Coke c. Coal tar d. Coal gas Ans . 22. (c)23. Which gas is obtained during the processing of coal? a. Carbon dioxide b. Coal gas c. Carbon monoxide d. Sulphur dioxide Ans . 23. (b)24. Heavy motor vehicles like trucks run on a. Petrol b. Diesel c. Coal d. Coal tar Ans . 24. (b)25. Petrol and diesel can be obtained from a. Coal tar b. Coal c. Petroleum d. Coal gas Ans . 25. (c)26. Petroleum is formed from a. Domestic animals b.. Organisms in sea c. Wild animals d. Insects Ans . 26. (b)27. Petroleum is mixture of a. Petrol b. Diesel c. Petroleum gas d. All of these Ans . 27. (d)28. The layer containing petroleum oil & gas is a. Above that of water b. Below water c. Between water and sand d. Below sand Ans . 28. (a)29. Refining is a. Extracting petroleum gas b. Separation of various fractions of petroleum c. Heating of coal d. Sedimentation of fossil fuel Ans . 29. (b)30. LPG is used in / as a. Home b. Vehicles c. Aviation Fuel d. Road surfacing Ans . 30. (a)31. Natural gas can be transported through a. Cylinders b. Barriers c. Pipes d. None of these Ans . 31. (c)32. CNG is stored under a. Power generation b. Electric Generators c. Solvent d. none of these Ans . 32. (b)33. CNG is used for a. Power generation b. Electric generators c. Solvent d. None of these Ans . 33. (a)34. In India, vast reserves of natural gas are found in a. Tripura b. Rajasthan c. Maharashtra d. All of these Ans . 34. (d)35. Burning of fossil fuel causes a. Air pollution b. Global warming c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these Ans . 35. (c)
35. Burning of fossil fuel causes a. Air pollution b. Global warming c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these Ans . 35. (c) 36. PCRA stands for a. Pollution control research association b. Petroleum conversation Research association c. Petroleum control research association d. Petrol, coal reserve association Ans . 36. (b)37. Bitumen is used in a. Electric generators b. Road surfacing c. Coal tar d. Natural Gas Ans . 37. (b)38. What is called black gold? a. Petroleum b. Coal c. Coal Tar d. Natural gas Ans . 38. (a)39. Petrol can be saved by a. Driving at a constant & moderate speed b. Ensuring correct type pressure c. Switching off the engine at traffic lights d. All of these Ans . 39. (d)40. Which of the following is / are fossil fuels? a. Coal b. Petroleum c. Natural gas d. All of these Ans . 40. (d)41. CNG is a. Highly polluting b. Less polluting c. Not at all polluting d. None of these Ans . 41. (b)42. Kerosene is used in / as a. Jet engines b. Fuel c. Ointments d. Lubricants Ans . 42. (a)43. Useful substances obtained from petroleum & natural gases are called a. Chemicals b. Petroleum products c. Petrochemicals d. None of these Ans . 43. (c)44. Petrochemicals are used in the manufacture of a. Polythene b. Detergents c. Fibres d. All of these Ans . 44. (d)45. Hydrogen gas obtained from natural gas is used in a. motor fuel b. Fertilizers c. Paints d. stoves Ans . 45. (b)46. Dead organisms are transformed into petroleum & natural gas in a. Absence of air b. Presence of air c. Presence of sun light d. None of these Ans . 46. (a)47. Diesel is used in a. Coojing oil b. Paints c. Road surfacing d. Electric generators Ans . 47. (d)48. Which of them is used in extraction of metals ? a. Coke b. coal gas c. Coal tar d. Petroleum Ans . 48. (a)49. Which of them is used as solvent for dry cleaning? a. Diesel b. Kerosene c. petrol d. Paraffin wax Ans . 49. (c)50. The fibres manufacture by petrochemicals are a. Nylon b. Polyester c. Acrylic d. All of these Ans . 50. (d)


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