Methods of
Amendments in
3 Methods :
1. Method of Simple
Applies to matters
related to Citizenship,
abolishing or creating
second chambers in
the states provisions
relating to Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled
Tribes, etc.
2. In this, the following
conditions should be
fulfilled :
Both the houses must
pass the proposal by a
majority of the total
membership. By a 2/3
majority of the
members present.
After this, the
amendment bill must
also be ratified by not
less than half of state
legislatures. Applies to
matters related to
election of President
and Vice – President,
executive powers of
union and states,
subjects related to the
division of legislative
powers between Centre
and State, matters
relating to Supreme
Court and High Court,
representation of
States in Parliament,
amendment of article
368 itself, etc.
3. This method
consists of first two
conditions of the II
method. In this, there is
no need of ratification
by the States.
List of Important
1. First Amendment
1951 : Added Ninth
2. Seventh
Amendment 1956 :
Necessitated on
account of
reorganization of
States on a linguistic
3. Eighth
Amendment 1959 :
Extended special
provisions for
reservations of seats
for SCs, STs and Anglo
– Indians in Lok Sabha
and Leg.
Assemblies for a period
of 10 years from 1960
to 1970.
4. The Ninth
Amendment 1960 :
Gave effect to
transfer certain
territories to Pakistan
following the 1958 Indo
– Pak agreement.
5. The Tenth
Amendment 1961 :
Incorporated Dadra &
Nagar Haveli as a UT.
6. Twelfth
Amendment 1962 :
Incorporated Goa,
Daman & Diu as a UT.
7. Thirteenth
Amendment 1962 :
Created Nagaland as a
8. Fourteenth
Amendment 1963 :
Pondicherry, Karaikal,
Mahe and Yanam, the
former French
territories were
included in the schedule
as UT of Pondicherry.
9. Eighteenth
Amendment 1966 :
Reorganized Punjab into
Punjab, Haryana and UT
of Chandigarh.
10. Twenty first
Amendment 1967 :
Included Sindhi as the
Fifteenth Regional
11. Twenty second
Amendment 1969 :
Created a sub – state
of Meghalaya within
12. Twenty third
Amendment 1969 :
Extended the
reservation of seats
for SC / ST and
nomination of Anglo –
Indians for a further
period of 10 years (till 1
13. Twenty sixth
Amendment 1971 :
Abolished the titles and
special privileges of
former rulers of
princely states.
14. Twenty seventh
Amendment 1971 :
Established Manipur and
Tripura as States and
Mizoram and Arunachal
Pradesh as UTs.
15. Thirty first
Amendment 1973 :
Increased the elective
strength of LS from
525 to 545.
The upper limit of
representatives of
States went up from
500 to 525.
16. Thirty sixth
Amendments 1975 :
Made Sikkim a State.
17. Thirty eighth
Amendment 1975 :
Provided that the
President can make a
declaration of
emergency, and the
promulgation of
ordinances by the
President, Governors
and the Administrative
Heads of UTs would be
final and could not be
challenged in any court.
It also authorized the
President to declare
different kinds of
18. Thirty ninth
Amendment 1975 :
Placed beyond challenge
in courts, the election
to Parliament of a
person holding the
office of PM or Speaker
and election of the
President and Prime


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