China made copying in examinations a crime punishable up to seven years:-

October 26, 2015•
From November 2015, students trying
to copy in examinations in China will
face a jail term of up to seven years as
the government has brought about a
new law making cheating a crime. The
new law, effective from November 1, will
make cheating on major exams in China
a crime punishable with a jail sentence.
Parents involved will also be seriously
punished, according to the law.
The amended criminal law stipulates
that those who aid in cheating will be
sentenced to three to seven years in
prison and face penalties. The law also
stipulates that people trying to
impersonate during examinations will be
detained by police. Every year, China
mobilises its security forces in a big way
to prevent copying specially in the
nationwide entrance test Gaokao in
which nearly 10 million students took
part last year. The entrance determines
the future of education and job
opportunities of high school students.
The Ministry of Education last year
warned that cheating students would be
stripped of the enrollment qualification
for a period ranging from one to three


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